Recent ebooks at Gleeson Library and treats from the International Directory of Company Histories:

- Say it loud! on race, law, history, and culture by Randall Kennedy (1 user)
- Repair, brokenness, breakthrough: ethnographic responses edited by Francisco Martínez and Patrick Laviolette (1 user)
- The secret life of groceries: the dark miracle of the American supermarket by Benjamin Lorr (1 user)
- Bite back: people taking on corporate food and winning edited by Saru Jayaraman and Kathryn De Master (3 user)
We receive ten volumes each year of the International directory of company histories, which provides detailed descriptions “of companies that are a leading influence in a particular industry or geographic location.” Volume 237 came in today and among the many companies described are three sweet treats:
- “The American Licorice Company produces and markets a best-selling brand of licorice candy popular in the western United States—Red Vines—and also produces Sour Punch, Snaps, and Super Ropes candies.”
- “Most Iowans know niche-market chocolatier Palmer Candy Company as the maker of Twin Bing, a candy bar made with cherry-flavored nougat and fondant fillings coated with crushed peanuts and milk chocolate.”
- “Sede Super Bock Bebidas SA, also known as Super Bock Group, is Portugal’s largest beverage company, leading in both the soft drinks and alcoholic beverages categories. The company’s soft drink lineup includes the Frisumo, Frutea, Frutis, Guarana Brasil, and Snappy brands.”
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