Student Book Reviews

Looking for some reading recs? The Reference & Research Services student assistants have a few for you! We Should All Be Feminists, reviewed by Malia Okoh Ngozi Adichie’s We Should All Be Feminists is a slim volume containing an essay based on her 2013 TED Talk. The essay exposes Adichie’s experiences with racism growing up in Nigeria and … Continue reading Student Book Reviews

A Primary Source for Black History

Newspapers can be powerful agents of social change and newspapers can contain powerful primary sources for historical research. The Chicago Defender is powerful in both these ways, and is a great resource to check out when celebrating Black History Month. Under the direction of its founder, Robert S. Abbott, and his successor, John H. Sengstacke, The Defender brought focus to … Continue reading A Primary Source for Black History

Public Historian by way of Archives and Reference

This is a guest post by Reference and Research Services student assistant Ariana Varela.  The definition of public history is fluid and debated between the various types of public historians. One form of public history is archival work where documents and other types of media are collected, preserved, and cataloged in order to facilitate research. … Continue reading Public Historian by way of Archives and Reference