sep30 freewritting

In Essay2 I plan to find a controversial topic in the magazine or recent news and use some data to prove my point. While explaining why the author put forward this opinion, I will also put forward some of my views and find some credible evidence to support this opinion. Then write down why I was attracted to the article, analyze why the title of the article is attractive, whether the article is easy to read, what age group of readers the author chooses and what occupation he works for.

  1. Choose a controversial piece of news-, there has been a lot of discussion about Tik Tok being banned in the United States. Some people say that Tik Tok has influenced today’s young people, Some short videos may mislead teenagers to do some wrong behaviors
  2. Analyze why some authors say what they say, whether the evidence they give is credible, and whether their descriptions are easy to understand.

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