Visited Point Reyes (about 45 miles north of San Francisco) on 9/20/2017 to collect samples of the purple-flowered variant of Bush Lupin (Lupinus excubitus) for genetic sequencing and population comparison.
Field Trip 9/20/2017
Gel Electrophoresis of gDNA
Imaged using gel doc EZ imager
Results: Not bad
Gel Electrophoresis of PCR Products
Making Gel:
However, we just reused the gel from earlier. It was melted in microwave for about 25 seconds. Then we added 1 microliter of Gel Red
2. Poured hot gel into gel mold, added combs and let cool
Gel Electrophoresis of PCR Amplified DNA
Imaged using gel doc EZ imager
Use RA02 RA03 JPCC JPCD JW01 JW02 JW03
ExoSap PCR Clean-Up Protocol