Gel Electrophoresis and Exo-Sap Clean Up



Gel Electrophoresis of gDNA

  1. Pipetted 2 microliters of loading dye per sample on parafilm (10 total)
  2. Added 3 microliters of PCR product to each loading dye dots
  3. Pipetted about 5 microliters into following wells
    1. RA01
    2. RA02
    3. RA03
    4. JPCA
    5. JPCB
    6. JPCC
    7. JPCD
    8. LADDER
    9. JW01
    10. JW02
    11. JW03
    12. LADDER
  4. Placed lid on pre-setup gel electrophoresis box with DNA running to red
  5. Set to 145 volts then ran for about 15 minutes

Imaged using gel doc EZ imager

Results: Not bad

Gel Electrophoresis of PCR Products

Making Gel:

  1. Small Gel- .5 g agarose, 50 ml 1x TAE Buffer, 0.5 microliters diluted Gel Red per 50 ml gel

However, we just reused the gel from earlier. It was melted in microwave for about 25 seconds. Then we added 1 microliter of Gel Red

2. Poured hot gel into gel mold, added combs and let cool

Gel Electrophoresis of PCR Amplified DNA

  1. Pipetted 2 microliters of loading dye per sample on parafilm (10 total)
  2. Added 3 microliters of PCR product to each loading dye dots
  3. Pipetted about 5 microliters into following wells
    1. RA01
    2. RA02
    3. RA03
    4. JPCA
    5. JPCB
    6. JPCC
    7. JPCD
    8. LADDER
    9. JW01
    10. JW02
    11. JW03
    12. LADDER
    13. NONE
    14. NEGATIVE
  4. Placed lid on pre-setup gel electrophoresis box with DNA running to red
  5. Set to 145 volts then ran for about 15 minutes

Imaged using gel doc EZ imager


Use RA02 RA03 JPCC JPCD JW01 JW02 JW03

ExoSap PCR Clean-Up Protocol




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