TED Talk : Enrique Peñalosa

This talk was given by a mayor named Enrique Peñalosa who has tried and tested theories to figure out the most efficient way to keep human mobility in the city. In this talk, he presented ways he had changed his country and how it has worked towards creating a safe and equal space for all members of the community. Equality was a key point in his speech; in which he discussed how the equity of space and quality of space given to different mediums of transportation can translate to the equity of social classes. Just this key change in an economy can change the way of life for the millions living inside the city.
His hand gestures and staying pretty constant on the stage kept us focused and engaged in his talk. His loud and clear tone adds to this effect as well. The presentation also proved to us that visuals do not need to be of good quality to capture the attention of your audience. If the visuals support the point that the speaker is trying to make, it marks the trait of a good visual.
Enrique used evidence to convey to the listeners the amount of damage that the way of living we have grown accustomed to is causing. Mentioning to the audience of how 10,000 children die for car accidents every year can make the listeners realize the error of their ways.

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