Enrique Peñalosa’s Conclusion

Enrique Peñalosa didn’t have a signpost to indicate him going into his conclusion. But he just concluded by restating his whole point and telling people to use his solution to make their countries a better place. He reassured everyone the efficiency of his plans and pleaded other countries to follow suit. Ending with facts in his conclusion may not be ideal, but it got the point across that people can do so much better then they are doing right now. Enrique did have a clincher by showing the audience of the bright future that these new plans; if implemented, could bring towards other countries.


This is a video I found that really related to the article written by the Co-Founder of Lyft, Zimmers. It perfectly conveys Zimmer’s issue of automobiles taking over a majority of living space and offers a solution that not only gives human beings more space to walk around, but more space for activities.

S2 Presentation Write Out

“Dangers of biking in San Francisco & the different ways cyclists in SF take precaution” 
I’d like to find out more about how the different infrastructure that San Francisco has compared to other cities, has a toll on the bicycle culture here. The hills, narrow streets, fog, wind and public transportation creates a very different environment from the other cities that has a prominent bicycle culture as well. I would find out the different rules that San Franciscan cyclists have compared to cyclists of other cities just like how San Franciscan drivers have to tilt their wheels sideways when parking on a hill. The different rules that people have here could mean a whole new way of riding for people visiting from other places.
My plan for gathering information is looking up on San Franciscan bike organizations and seeing the rules and policies posted on their websites. I would then compare these policies to the rules and regulations of other cities with very different infrastructures from San Francisco. Also going around town and seeing the different landscapes and how a cyclist would have to cope with this will also give me a good idea of the dangers of riding in San Francisco. sanfranciscoone


The Gleeson database Fusion was not much help for me because most of the articles I found could not relate to my S2 Topic of “Dangers of biking in San Francisco & the different ways SF cyclists take precaution”. Though there are no articles stating laws or any insight about the dangers of biking, the closest article to my topic was a page called “Bicycling renaissance in North America? An update and re-appraisal of cycling trends and policies” talking about safety and policies of biking in Canada and USA.


TED Talk : Enrique Peñalosa

This talk was given by a mayor named Enrique Peñalosa who has tried and tested theories to figure out the most efficient way to keep human mobility in the city. In this talk, he presented ways he had changed his country and how it has worked towards creating a safe and equal space for all members of the community. Equality was a key point in his speech; in which he discussed how the equity of space and quality of space given to different mediums of transportation can translate to the equity of social classes. Just this key change in an economy can change the way of life for the millions living inside the city.
His hand gestures and staying pretty constant on the stage kept us focused and engaged in his talk. His loud and clear tone adds to this effect as well. The presentation also proved to us that visuals do not need to be of good quality to capture the attention of your audience. If the visuals support the point that the speaker is trying to make, it marks the trait of a good visual.
Enrique used evidence to convey to the listeners the amount of damage that the way of living we have grown accustomed to is causing. Mentioning to the audience of how 10,000 children die for car accidents every year can make the listeners realize the error of their ways.

Organisational Pattern

The group decided that my speech was organised in a narrative way; explaining what life was like before and after the country achieved independence and before they did in a story structure. Telling Aung San Suu Kyi’s life in a narrative really lets the listener come through with the emotions that people felt throughout the whole event.

We also decided that another way to write this speech would be in a chronological structure. Telling her life from birth to where she is now would also let the listeners go on the ride while still explaining the effects she had for the people in the world.


Organization, structure, arrangement, how do you do it? 
Whenever I write something, I always make sure the first impression is well-received. The first line of every speech I’ve done has something that would catch the listener’s attention and kind of set the tone for what’s to come in the entire speech. But as for the rest of the speech, I would usually go the technical way of having an introduction, a thesis, two body paragraphs and a conclusion. Conclusions are my biggest enemy because it’s very important to end any speech in a good note; in a thought-provoking way where the listener can keep thinking about the speech and what’s to happen with the topic that I’m talking about in the future.


I feel like I talked too fast all throughout the speech and this in turn caused many other problems throughout my speech. Most notably, pronunciation. Due to the pace I was going, some words started to roll off my tongue the wrong way and that caused me to repeat the word again and again until I got it right which slowed down my speech. So essentially, my need to be fast caused me to be slow.
I felt extremely anxious especially considering that I just finished writing the whole speech a couple minutes before I had to give it. Next time I would love to get some practice beforehand so that I’m not nervous on stage next time. Now, I feel quite liberated that I actually succeeded in having some sort of material to present to the class.
I loved the use of powerpoints to have visual for the audience to keep them entertained but I would not have the pictures on a white background because it attracts more attention than the speaker.