1. volunteer work-> C4C experience?
2. music composition-> not knowing how to start, build up and etc.
3. cheer?
4. amazing world of animation-> exploring a new pov
5. experience in Molsheim, Alsace -> experiencing how freely and peacefully you can live ->a place where I put most of my stress down for the very first time.
6. (age 7?8?) The time I was so stressed out because I wouldn’t play this one piano piece right. I had such a breakdown that I not only cried for hours and tried to piano piece but also wanted to completely give up on playing the piano.
7. First time all my nightmares went away (age 6) -> Going to church and believing in Jesus Christ.
4 vs 5 vs 7 // 5 vs 7 // 5
Outline- My 1-month experience in Molsheim (Summer of 2019)
Introduction + Experience
- The reason why I went there (before going + all the SAT plans-> the stresses I had)
- What happened + Places I went
- How I felt
- Stress back at home vs how free I felt-> the piano experience
Conclusion + What I learned:
- How important it is to take a break and relax and realizing how powerful stress relieving is
- The importance of our environments are and how they affect us in different ways
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