Let’s have a conversation on the values and contributions of the nonprofit social sector…
We will start with values, to define the recent and future advancements in the economic classification of the sector and in relation to nonprofit management education
The tradition of corporate sponsorship of hospitals is quite old. Think about the Ospedale degl’Innocenti in Florence sponsored by the Medici Family during the Renaissance 500 years ago.
Salesforce and Dreamforce are true innovative events in San Francisco. Do you know the Salesforce Embedded Philanthropic Model called 1-1-1?
Do you know this foundation?
If you do not know this you can search on wikipedia š
Bill Gates discovered the true sense of purpose only after being involved in his wife’s foundation.
Do you know TechSoup in SF?
Do you know the GoodWill is a social enterprise?
Do you know that Kiva is a 501(c)3?
The United Nations Association (UNA-USA_ in San Francisco is about preserving and rekindle the mission of the UN
Do you know that the UN Charter was finalized and approved, and signed in San Francisco in 1945?
Join us at USF to learn about civil society contributions in this experiment in democracy.
The 2030 Agenda/// Do you know how many Target? Do you know how many indicators for the 17 SDGs? Do you know the pillars?
We know about the three sector failures… but what about these other sectors? What about others like heath, education, energy sectors, etc…
Learn about the nonprofit world and its contribution to society
Beyond Lester Salamon’s Nonprofit Institutions (NPIs) classifications we now talk about Third Social Economy classification as recommended by the UN-SNA 2008.
If we need to be true contributors for a common good-sustainable economy we need to think beyond profit and beyond purpose… we need to integrate principles as well.
The professionalization of professionals and education has a long history…. think about how barbers used to be medical practices for drawing blood.
Check more about the Nonprofit Academic Centers Council (NACC) accreditation system at http://www.nonprofit-academic-centers-council.org
The MNA Program at University of San Francisco was first designed in 1983 and first accredited by NACC in the first pilot program in 2019
The USF-MNA Program centers on Project based learning and expand into competencies and mindsets fro leadership, management, development and impact analysis.
The MNA pedagogical model is rooted in Design Thinking and the Jesuit tradition of education (Ignatian Pedagogy).
These are some of the organizations that benefited from our students’ projects and course projects.
We learn about nonprofits also from specific applications (such as refugees) and contexts ( such as in Italy). See the AGI-Rome Program.
The Young Professional for the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) certificate and training programs are offered by the UFT-MNA in collaboration with the UNA-USA-SF. https://www.una-sf.org/ypsdg
If you want to know more contact us and explore the degree in the MNA Blog and USF Website.
The professionalization of the nonprofit-social sector has been a conversation in the last 30 years that has influenced organizational capacity development, social economy classifications, and the emergence of nonprofit management education. This slideshow prepared and presented by Dr. Marco Tavanti, Program Director of the University of San Francisco Nonprofit Administration Program in the School of Management illustrates some of the main elements in relation to San Francisco high tech and philanthropy innovation models, the third and social sector classification (TSE) expanding from the Nonprofit Institutions (NPIs). It also provides an overview of the MNA Program as an example of nonprofit management education following the Nonprofit Academic Centers Council (NACC) curricula guidelines and accreditation standards.
The professionalization. of the nonprofit sector has been a subject of investigations and reflections from multiple aspects. Here is a list of useful articles to help you think more specifically about the challenges and opportunities in the area of nonprofit field and sector’s professionalization.