The topic I was interested in was the subculture in the cycling community:

Types of people/ groups

Do they get along?

They way I gathered this information was through interviewing people.

I went out and asked people 2 questions. The 1st was what type of cyclist are you. The 2nd was Do any of the sub groups in the cycling community dislike, have problems with or hate each other?

I interviewed a total of 13 people.

Results were the

Majority likes everyone, no hate.

Quotes. “Cycling is an all around positive experience, people got to do what they got to do, and it doesn’t matter which group their in, their still cyclists and that is what matters.”

“We are all cyclists we all enjoy riding bikes, why hate each other just because our bikes are different. There is no reason to create an inner feud.”


reason for dislike was hazardous to others on the road.

What I took away from this project was that I found that the majority of the people I interviewd in the biking community get along and don’t dislike or hate each other. They were all very positive and supportive of one another.

Thank you for listening. What questions do you have.