When I was there I learned about a new way of presenting a project. Before walking in and looking around I assumed it was going to be a standard presentation where we would sit down and listen to someone talk about the project. Instead there were posters around with different information on the subject. It was nice to see the two different ideas next to each other, the one side and two side idea. I learned that if the bike lanes were on both sides of the road it would take double the amount of time to build and that it may be better to have the lanes on the same side because the people biking will want to look at the bay and would be closer to the piers.

With the posters I found that I could go at my own pace and come back to them. While with the powerpoint slides it would go at the presenter’s pace. The presenters I asked seemed credible. They all road bikes and were very knowledgable about the topic. Also having the giant map of the pier was helpful to see how it would actually look. Personally I wish they had a small talk about it to start it off. When I went in I didn’t know where to start and wasn’t sure if there was supposed to be a specific order. In all the experience was interesting and informative.