While reading David Byrne’s essays my thoughts were provoked and I was also sort of lost. When reading the one on San Francisco I felt lost after the first two paragraphs. He suddenly jumps into talking about technology. The first two paragraphs made me think it was going to be about just his bike ride. It would just be about the sights and sounds. It was but it also had more to it that I didn’t expect. For me it didn’t really have an order and the points he was making weren’t clear to me. It wasn’t a typical formatted essay that I learned in school. It felt like a bunch of thoughts written down on paper in no particular order. That isn’t a bad thing and it was interesting to read. His insights to different issues or topics I don’t really think about were very thought provoking to me. He was talking about the “normal” and how people will play into that role and how there are some people who haven’t learned how to “master those social skills”. I never really realized how true it is that if someone doesn’t fit into the “normal” category then how hard it is for their work to be appreciated or be taken seriously. As someone who  fits into that category it is hard to imagine how life would be if I wasn’t in this category. It is hard enough to being “normal” and having people appreciate the work I have done because there will always be people who try to drag you down but it has to be really really hard when you don’t fit in with society’s norm. In the essay about San Francisco there was a lot of interesting history.