Category: Credibility Speech 1

S1 Organizational pattern

I could have had more narrative. In my speech I talked about he wasn’t credible due to experience credibility. I briefly mentioned I was in an accident and how the helmet saved me. I could have talked about my bike accident more. I also could have talked more about problem and solution. I didn’t really say what the problem was.

Reflection (S1)

Before the speech I thought I was going to do horribly. When I was filming myself I kept messing up and re-recording. Looking back I realized I didn’t do as badly as I thought. I think I did an ok job. It felt like I was talking fast. I was standing in one place doing a little shifting  weight from one foot to the other dance. I think I did well with not looking at my paper too often. As I said before it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. Leading up to my turn, since I was 15th, I kept getting more and more nervous but once it was my turn and I got into the flow of things it got better.

In my speech, I talked about surface credibility and experience credibility. I said that Howie Chong had great surface credibility but not so great experience credibility.

The things I was happy about was my projection and gesticulations. I think I did well with those. What I would like to develop and change is to move around the room more and not use my note book for notes.

I really liked how Helen used notecards. I want to use those instead of my notebook. I really liked how people used a powerpoint in the background. It gave me something to look at. Next time I would want to do that also.

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