Category: In class writing

S1 Organizational pattern

I could have had more narrative. In my speech I talked about he wasn’t credible due to experience credibility. I briefly mentioned I was in an accident and how the helmet saved me. I could have talked about my bike accident more. I also could have talked more about problem and solution. I didn’t really say what the problem was.

Organization, Structure and Arrangement (How do you do it?)

For a speech or presentation I start out with researching the topic. While I am researching I will take notes. After that I write down what I want to say. Then I read it and edit it if it doesn’t make sense. After that I practice it a few times. After those first few practices I then re-write the speech in a short bullet point form to give me cues about what to talk about next so I don’t read word for word. After doing that I will memorize it if I am required to. 

In the speech I tend to go with my gut on the order of my speech. I a lot of the time start with an introduction, background information and other facts. I then talk about the topic and arguments and have evidence to back that up. After that I will try to connect with the audience and talk about my own experience if I had one. At the end I sometime end with a re-cap or I’ll just end it.

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