Mission of the Organization:
CNSC provides underserved communities with social, economic, workforce, and business services to transform their lives. We provide a suite of services to help the very low-income Chinese community to become self-sufficient, such as vocational ESL classes, naturalization classes, free tax preparation, job readiness services, credit improvement services, technical support for business owners and entrepreneurs and more.
Nature of the Project and Statement of Expectations:
CNSC will provide guidance, supervision, and coaching for Nansie to assist CNSC to create a small business resource center and sustainability plan in S.F. Chinatown. The resource center will provide interested entrepreneurs and existing small businesses to thrive. Examples of tasks are, to create a draft proposal for this resource center to seek funding support from individuals, foundations, and government funding sources; create a curriculum which integrates bilingual materials to assist participants in creating businesses and helping existing businesses thrive; and to assist in the integration of USF students into the delivery of coaching and workshops for participants.
Public Service Internship Program (PSIP) Internship summary 2012
Bin Liu
Organization: Chinese Newcomers Service Center (CNSC)
Supervisor: Carlos Serrano-Quan
Task: Help support the creation of The Fillmore Group
Date: November 20, 2012
It is the first time I do an internship in America. The organization is called Chinese Newcomers Service Center. It is a non-profit organization, helping new immigrants from China to launch America.
On the first day I went there, I introduced myself to everyone who is working in there. They told me that my major responsibility is to assist every worker here when they need help. They may need me to do some office jobs like printing files, scanning files, destroying documents which include personal information of customers, or typing some information into computer. Besides, I would contribute for preparation for all kinds of workshops that they regularly hold for customers in weekends to teach them using computer, English, or some job training.
I was appointed to do some front desk jobs on the second day when I arrived at the center. Front desk job contains answering phone calls, serving customers. If they come to ask some help about taxing, I should send them to my colleague George; If they come to meet our manager, I should ask what they want to ask and whether they have an appointment; If they come to ask some help about translation, I will help them on that just by myself; If they come to desire a job, I should ask them whether they want to participate in our job-applying workshop and help them to fill in a job-applying form which is helpful for us to introduce work to them when we receive employee-demands from companies and factories. And when they come to enquire immigration policies, I will send them to our full-time colleague called Suki.
All of these works and what they taught me can help me lean how to professionally serve for people. I could learn how to talk with cooperative partners by business language and how to use official equipments which is also required by profit organizations that I will work for in the future.
I feel the difficulties that new immigrants would face in a foreign culture, especially those who have obstacle of language. They really need help here both from government and local non-profit organizations. As an international student from China, this encourages me to serve well for them, also it teaches me study hard in the future. The good housing welfare for seniors impressed me. Besides, I believe the future work which I assist to taxing may give me deeper understanding of America’s policy of taxing and its processes.
Bin Lui
لا شك في أن الحشرات المنزلية يمكن أن تسبب الكثير من الإزعاج والتأثير على صحتنا، وهناك عدد كبير من المبيدات الحشرية المتاحة في السوق التي تعد من الطرق الفعالة للتخلص من هذه الحشرات، ولكن ما يعيق استخدام الكثير من هذه المبيدات هو احتمالية أن تكون ضارة على الصحة.
في الآونة الأخيرة، تم الاهتمام بشكل أكبر بالمبيدات الآمنة على الصحة لمكافحة الحشرات المنزلية. تم تطوير مبيدات حشرية تعتمد على المكونات الطبيعية، مثل الزيوت العطرية، والأسيتات، والصودا الأسمر، وهي قيمة وفعالة في نفس الوقت.
المبيدات الحشرية الأمنة على الصحة تتطلب استخدامها بحذر، ودائمًا يجب إتباع تعليمات الاستخدام الموجودة على العبوة والتي يجب قراءتها بعناية. من الجيد أن يستخدم المرء القفازات، والنظارات، والكمامات في الإجراءات الخاصة بالتطبيق.
كما ينبغي دائمًا الحفاظ على نظافة المنزل وتعطيل موارد الأمراض والحشرات، وتشمل بعض الطرق إغلاق الفتحات التي قد تؤدي إلى دخول الحشرات، وإبقاء المطبخ نظيفًا، والتخلص من القمامة باستمرار، وتنظيف الأسطح بانتظام.
على الرغم من وجود المخاوف بشأن استخدام المبيدات الحشرية، فإن الخيارات الآمنة على الصحة قد ثبت فعاليتها وهي تساعد في الحد من أضرار الحشرات المنزلية دون تأثير سلبي على صحتنا. من الأهمية بمكان البحث عن العلامات التجارية الأكثر ثقة والموثوقية، وطلب المشورة من المتخصصين في الموضوع، للحصول على توجيهات حول كيفية استخدام هذه المبيدات بأمان.
بمجرد أن يتم اتخاذ جميع الخطوات اللازمة لتجنب أضرار المبيدات الحشرية، يمكن تحقيق الحماية الكاملة لصحتنا وللعائلة، وكذلك التخلص من الحشرات المنزلية التي قد تؤثر على راحتنا وصحتنا في المنزل.
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