The African American Shakespeare Company Fall 2012

Mission of the Organization:

The African-American Shakespeare Company’s mission is to provide an opportunity and a place for minority actors to hone their skills and talent in mastering some of the world’s greatest classical roles; and to open the realm of classic theatre to a diverse audience who have been alienated from discovering these time-favored works in a style that reaches, speaks, and embraces their cultural aesthetic and identity.

Nature of the Project and Statement of Expectations:

Intern will assist the organization in all aspects of development and cultivation.  Intern will assist to coordinate the logistics of our Season Launch Party and work with our Board of Directors and Service-Learner Interns.  Interns will be responsible for making sure committees have executed their tasks and accomplish the layout of the event.  Intern will also be responsible for assisting in the coordination of setting up and attending individual donor-ask meetings with the Executive Director and Board Members.  Duties will include preparation for donor material packets, development donation request campaigns, keeping meeting notes and contacting individual committee members.

Public Service Internship Program (PSIP) Internship Summary 2012

Joshua Suarez

Organization: African American Shakespeare Company

Supervisor: Sherri Young

Task: Procuring Corporate Sponsorship

Date: November 20, 2012

During the 2012 fall semester I began participating in the Public Service Internship Program, (PSIP), organized by Professor Monika Hudson and the University of San Francisco School of Management. The PSIP provided me with the opportunity to work with an organization merely two blocks away from Alamo Square, between San Francisco’s historic Fillmore District and the vibrant Hayes Valley.  On 762 Fulton Street, within the African American Arts and Cultural Center, the African American Shakespeare Company’s performs productions such as Othello and this season’s Cinderella. Founder Ms. Sherri Young established the company in response to “color-blind casting” practiced by various production companies. The office of the African American Shakespeare Company organize productions, production tours, casting, donor procurement, corporate sponsorships, and community relations overseen by a board of directors. Becoming familiar with the functions of the organization, Ms. Young tasked me with developing their corporate sponsorship practices.

One of the most beloved children stories, the Cinderella production appeals to an audience of all ages. The organization has initiated touring of the Cinderella production to Merced, Los Angeles, and potentially Atlanta or Washington D.C. Along with revenue from ticket sales, corporate sponsorships shall fund the logistical expenses of touring the Cinderella production. My public service internship within the African American Shakespeare Company requires developing a process plan to procure corporate sponsorships for the production tour, by implementing marketing activities such as cross promotion to improve brand recognition. As a result corporate sponsorship provides a unique opportunity for a corporate brand to reinforce brand identity within an African American demographic. Corporate sponsorship entails more than prominent placement on all publications. More specifically it entails a partnership with the corporate marketing strategy and our production theme, by delivering a unique circumstance where an audience attributes the positive emotion of a production to the corporate brand. Understanding the corporate sponsorship procurement process of our organization, we uniquely tailor each proposal to the marketing strategy of a corporate brand.

Through this Public Service Internship Program (PSIP) I am given the experience of creating and submitting a corporate sponsorship proposal on behalf of the African American Shakespeare Company, specifically tailored toward the marketing strategy of DSW Designer Show Warehouse. DSW is uniquely positioned to be at the spotlight of a production that touches the heart of every woman who loves the moment of trying on a shoe that’s “the perfect fit.” We pursued this company as our audience contains aspirational shoppers attending a theatre production, likely attributing the emotion of a performance featuring a shoe to the brand identity of DSW. The sold-out premiere event of Cinderella highlights the “the perfect fit.” One of the pinnacle moments of this performance is when the Duke courts the glass slipper upon members of the audience trying to find the Princess. It is a thrilling and hilarious moment for all, as audience members have a chance to see if the shoe is “the perfect fit.” The recognition of Cinderella as a classic tale features the right shoe for the perfect woman; therefore naturally DSW is the perfect fit to partner with African-American Shakespeare Company’s production of Cinderella. Our corporate sponsorship proposal requires us to highlight the promotional opportunities of the production and the specific marketing needs of a company, such as DSW Designer Show Warehouse.

The USF School of Management delivers a unique Public Service Internship Program (PSIP), providing me with the opportunity to gain work experience related to my major by working in the community. This internship has provided me valuable corporate sponsorship knowledge, which lends much insight into the decision making process of management. As I pursue my Business Administration major as a student at USF, I am grateful that as I continue to acquire my business education, I may provide a service utilizing my specific skills within the immediate community. The School of Management and Professor Monika Hudson recognize the unique experience that community organizations provide to emerging business students. The Public Service Internship Program (PSIP) allows me to put my business knowledge into action for a cause in the City of San Francisco.


Joshua Suarez

28 thoughts on “The African American Shakespeare Company Fall 2012

  1. يمكن تنظيف الجدران من الأعلى إلى الأسفل باستخدام المكنسة الكهربائية؛ لإزالة كافة الغبار دون التسبب بفوضى. يمكن تنظيف الألواح من البقع الداكنة من خلال رش قطعة من القماش بكمية قليلة من الماء، أو استخدام محلول تنظيف متعدّد الاستخدام. يمكن التخلّص من الغبار الموجودة على الزوايا الضيقة، والتحف، والمنحوتات باستخدام فرشاة طلاء ناعمة الملمس، أو باستخدام فرشاة المكياج، ثم مسحها باستخدام قطعة من القماش ذات ألياف دقيقة.

    شركة تنظيف بجازان

  2. The African American Shakespeare Company’s Fall 2012 season must have been an exciting and impactful period! Their performances often nairobi escorts bring fresh perspectives to classic works, celebrating African American culture and history.

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