FREEdom of Speech

freedom-of-speechBefore I watched this video, I had my own idea of what freedom of speech was. Turns out I was partly wrong, according to the video freedom of speech protects you from the government which makes sense why it is in the Bill of Rights. Freedom of Speech is a quite tricky amendment because it does NOT apply to everything, it has limits. It protects you from the government and its facilities but not everyone else like a private company or other people. So we don’t have the right to say what we want, whenever we want, to who we want, it is only applied to the government.

After watching this video, I now have a better understanding of the first amendment, the Freedom of Speech. This is a pretty confusing topic since it does have gray areas but as long as you’re voicing out on anything related to the government, freedom of speech is backing you up and protecting you from government action.


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