
Janette Sadik-Khan served as the transportation commissioner of New York City. He goal was to maximize the city’s mobility and new that design was a key concept. She remade streets to fit the need of the people (pedestrians, cyclist, automobiles, and buses). At first, all the designs were temporary to examine if people liked it and benefited from it. In NYC, various streets were closed to remodel as new pedestrian space for example Time Square . Closing the streets led to fewer pedestrian injuries, travel time improvements, new business, etc. NYC used to be a very scary and dangerous place to ride bikes but it is now the cycling capital of the United States. 350 miles were constructed of bike lanes as well as the nation’s first ever protected bike lane. NYC also launched city bike which provides bike sharing to everyone in the community, being easy to access. Now, all kinds of people, young or old, male or female can enjoy bike riding in NYC. It is possible to change streets quickly with immediate benefits.






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