Overall for my speech two, I thought I did a decent job. I was overall satisfy with the performance I had, but immediately knew I could’ve done a few simple things to make it stand out even more. I was overall satisfied with my delivery and tone, however with my transitions and presenting evidence I could’ve made it even better by mentioning other key points with my time. I felt that, I prepared very well and performed for the most part with my practice. However, my performance was not up to par with my last practice going into it. Going first, I feel like I had a nice momentum with me which helped a lot. However, I wish I could’ve utilized more actions and gestures across the “stage” to improve my presence. With the time being so short to present,  could’ve done better with the information given by creating more dense slides and presenting off of them giving better information.

Moving forward, I hope to improve on my motions across the stage as I feel like I lacked on that in this presentation. In addition to that, I would like to engage the class more by having a more loud present tone. Last but not least, keep reducing amount of information on slides and talk on them rather than read off. Using slides as a reference, but not the main thing in my presentation.

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