individual conference post

in m y meeting with Proffesor hunt for my project 4 I told him my idea about presenting on the breast cancer ride. I think this meeting was helpful because he suggested reaching out to people for their own experiences which gave me the idea to talk to both my mom and grandma not about breast cancer but specifically about YSC, or other organizations. During this time we also talked about my module 5 presentation because I wasn’t sure what I was going to do. However after talking this helped me decided that wanted to make a video about a personal experience riding bikes! During this meeting I got to talk about both my projects and get help on both of them!

Speaking center #3 presentation 4

today when I went to the speaking center I scheduled it right before our class so that could try and get my nerves out when presenting to someone else instead of the class. Im not sure if this worked because I didn’t feel like I did very well when presenting to her. She gave me a few pointers on things I could fix and then that was it. personally I think would have liked to run through it at least one ore time with the feedback she had given me.  Maybe next time I have a presentation will just practice with a group of people a bunch of times not the speaking center one time.

Module 4 reading response post 2

unstoppable by Steve Friedman

This article is about a woman named Kathryn bertine who has done everything from making a documentary to rowing to skating, to cycling. She had no money and had to  sneak into gyms and love off of babysitting money. Then one day espn asked her to train for the olympics. She went into professional cycling and then became a best-known activist in cycling. She got in a bad accident and was hospitalized which lead to setbacks and depression for her. She got out of this by setting goals for herself working towards them and then achieving them. I found this article very interesting ad inspiring because i think her life is very inspirational and hope she never gave up on what she enjoyed doing and always had determination and wisdom to keep moving forward. I also liked how she stood up for herself and other women’s cyclist to be a proud activist towards something that she believes in strongly.

Speaking center 1

This was the first time that I had ever been to the speaking center. while I was there I got some very good feedback from the girl who was helping me. Some advise she gave me was when I am giving my speech to not use the actual write out but instead to use the out line format. the reason for this she said is that it is easier to see your ideas and it helps prevent you from reading right off of your write out. She also told me that its easier to see quotes in this format which makes it easier to insure that you are presenting the correct information. over all found this very helpful and i plan to use the outline format that she gave me that have attached below in my next presentations


Linguistic tricks of youtube

I don’t usually watch youtube so for this activity i watched a video done by liza which was recommended by malia. The video i watched was called “ in a hit and run!! Driving with liza part 4. She did use several of the components of  “youtube voice”. She stressed her vowels a lot and she also carried out long words. They use this voice to keep the listener interested and not sound monotone. This youtuber was also very funny so when she talked in this voice it just added to the video to make it hilarious. sgC6 FUnds

Class 12 post

this week in class we looked at “youtubevoice” this is how people talk or present to grab the audiences attention. it is things like extending vowels or effusing certain words. I watch a video by Liza on this and I found it very funny. After we watched you tubers we had to get in groups and make our own videos. My group was Malia me and Kyle and when we were making our videos felt a little weird. It was kind of uncomfortable to talk like that on purpose but it does make your audience want to listen to more because you aren’t monotone. This is also important on any speech to be aware of how you sound so you don’t bore or annoy your audience!

class week 10

Class this week was on Halloween which I think added a little but of fun to our class. I know that not many people wore costumes but those who did looked so great! this class was also really good to help prepare for our presentations next week. We got into talking about our communities in groups and in pairs. This is how I got my idea for presentation 3 about my home community of Livermore. I also got to talk to Remi about her community in Australia and we compared and contrasted norms of our communities!

expedition post

This expedition that I went on was with a few other girls in the class and Proffesor hunt to the California bicycle summit. I thought this was a really cool experience. It started of by us driving all the way to Sacramento early in the morning. Once we got there we split up and went to different sessions. The one we went to was about bicycle way finding. this was very interesting because we got to hear from people who work in Oakland and other cities close to san Fransisco about the ways they are making their cities more inclusive for bike riders. After this meeting we wound up going to the next session where we had to give our own presentations to random people. The idea of this was very intimidating but who it actually happened it was easier then I had thought. We also met a lossy who was from the san Fransisco bike coalition and she told us way we could get internships there. I think over all this was a very successful day and I had a lot more fun then I had thought would going to a bicycle conference. 🙂


Class 8 post

In class 8 we gave our module 2 presentations on evidence. We started in the library in the room with really cool chairs and then went up to lone mountain to finish the presentations. before we got to our class room we stopped by the classroom in lone mountain where you are able to build your own bike. It was really cool to see all of the mix match parts and that some people put them together to make there own bike! Once we got to the class we finished our presentations and ate snacks! Personally I would have liked to do better in my presentation but I will talk about that in my reflection post!!!

class 7!!

In class last week we did a lot of interesting things. we started at our school and we biked through the wiggle all the way down to market street. biking on market street was interesting because sometimes we were in a bike lane but sometimes we were just biking where the cars were driving. I think it will be nice when they redo market street and don’t allow regular cars to drive there anymore. At the end of market street was the ferry building where we stopped to get ice cream. We all admired the beautiful views of the bay and its hard to imagine that that used to be a freeway! from the ferry building we biked to ucsf were we met Dr. Doug Bauer who talked to us about evidence and projects he’s being working on there. then after we left on our ride back we went under the freeway and through the mission to complete our 12 mile long bike ride! This was the longest bike ride we have ever done and it was very tiring but looking back I love to tell people that I actually biked 12 miles in one day!!