Aug30 Reading Response Discussion

1st activity:

Yvonne Tan expresses her thoughts on an extract of “Everything’s an Argument” by Andrea Lunsford, John Ruszkiewicz and Keith Walter’s where she talks about how she is “intrigued” by the argument of definition. Her essential motive is to specify her understanding of the extract and to communicate how she views “common people arguing over technicalities in support of their personal interpretation was seen in human interaction” and the consequences of this method of argument. She further adds that this manner of argument “questions about their validity” and does not have a solution on the surface.

She follows the reading response guidelines efficiently, by mentioning the title and the author of the original text, summarizing her understanding of the text, using references and quotes to provide examples and support her identified main points.


2nd activity:

My parents added an extra “A” to the start of my name as it is considered to be lucky in the Jain/Hindu culture. Although I come from a Hindu family, the origin of my name is from the Islam religion and “Aman” stands for trust and peace in Arabic and Urdu. Also, my last name originated in Iran where the kings, princes, and emperors were called Shahs’. Over the years the last name Shah was popular in India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Nepal which adapted to different cultures. I was not embarrassed by my name because I really like Arabic names and it was unique to have a first and last name of a different culture. Sometimes I get annoyed if people are not able to pronounce my name correctly due to the double A’s at the start, which often happens whenever I go to a new place or meet different people. I come from Gujarat, India where my first language is Gujarati. I speak English as my second language and I speak Hindi as well.


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