Ashley, Mohammad and Marianna

Question #2:

Some of the strategies that we find it useful and supportive when communicating with people across communities and cultures is to not communicate “at” communities, but to listen to them first. It is important to ensure that the voices of communities are identified and amplified through dialogue – although sometimes you may come from the same or similar culture/background, the experiences lived may be completely different. That is why it is important to use strategies such as identifying the communities stories and experiences by listening to them first in order to better understand their points of view. With that, it makes it easier to assimilate and maintain a style of communication that can be understood across different groups within that community. Additionally, it is also important to develop empathy in order to understand and appreciate the worldview of others – even when you’re coming from the same community and culture. When coming from an outsider perspective, learning about the cultures and values first will also help you create different strategies when communicating with people from other communities and cultures. With that, trying to use a shared language can also be helpful – by using a similar language, dress codes, etc. Applying communication communication behaviors when communicating with people across communities and cultures can be useful to adapt to differences when establishing communication in order to reduce social differences and make yourself more “credible” when talking to communities and cultures that you don’t “belong.”