Adventures on Turk Street

On Monday, I jumped on the 5R to Turk Street. I got there at around 3 O’Clock and was pretty surprised by the amount of people that were there. There was also good consistent flow of cars  passing along the street. The buildings on Turk are super nice and there is even a police department on the corner. There’s even a little area—that’s kind of park-like! It’s a little grass field(seen in one of the pictures) and it has a bunch of benches & people just sit and strike up conversations with one another. Another thing, I noticed while on Turk, was that the sideways were way bigger than usual. While walking down the street, I noticed that a biker & two pedestrians all fit on the sidewalk at the same time. I saw a lot more pedestrians—standing on corners & by the McDonalds than bikers.

In the article; “I’m in a Hurry…to Slow Down!” by Carlsson, Carlsson basically explains that cars & waiting in traffic etc. are ways that millennials waste their time. Instead of getting road rage from crazy traffic, we could be soaking up the city via bike etc.

While in the article; “The Road Ahead” by John Zimmer, Zimmer explains his insight on what the future holds—in the transportation world. John Zimmer, serves as a co-founder of Lyft—he also introduces what Lyft plans to do as a company to keep the freedom people have(that cars provide) while making the world altogether better—by not wasting space bc of parking spots to reducing the amount of pollution cars bring.

Carlsson, I feel isn’t as optimistic as Zimmer is when he discusses the future in transportation. Carlsson, basically gave advice on how millennials today can enjoy the city they live in, while Zimmer actually had ideas on how to improve the world of transportation. But ultimately, both had good advice/ideas on how to improve as a nation.


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