When I first wanted to join a cycling team and become more of a “sports person”, I started asking some of my friends and family members about where to go and what the best thing to do is. Most of them suggested “The Bike Rush Team”. This team mainly consists of a group of professional cyclists who share their experiences with people who join their team and allow them to explore the world around them. I did a research about them to know more about what I am participating in and to figure out whether this team or organization appears to be as credible as people say they are or not. I opened their official site and even their facebook page, skimmed through them and yet did not feel satisfied with the information that is already out in the open. I felt the need to go to their place of operation and meet up with at least one of the of the organizers. I went there on a Monday afternoon, full of energy and many thoughts and ideas were wandering in my head. I got there at almost 1:00 pm and all the people who work there were so welcoming and helpful. They took to me to the person who came up with this whole idea. I entered his office and started introducing myself and told him about the reason behind me showing up. To my surprise, as soon as I told him the reason, he got so excited and told me to ask him whatever I want. The conversation mainly went like this:
Dina: What made you want to create a team just for cycling?
Rami: My parents could not afford buying me a car so since I was a little kid, I used to ride my bicycle everywhere. At first, I used to complain all the time but then I developed a passion for cycling. This passion made me love life more and explore all the nature around me in a vivid way. I felt the need to share this wonderful experience with others and make them more aware of what’s around them.
Dina: I want you to give me a reason that will actually make me want to join Bike Rush rather than all the other cycling teams currently operating.
Rami: At the end of the day, you get to decide what you want. Personally, as the organizer, I know what I am doing and I even think twice before doing anything. I love my work and I am good at it. I even distribute questionnaires at the end of every ride to be able to know my customers at a personal level and make sure to satisfy all their wants and needs to make them come back again.
People in general tend to have different reactions towards certain things. For example, some people joined the Bike rush team without even knowing who runs it, while, I, on the other hand did some research and even went to the office itself to talk with the organizers. Referring to Horner’s short chapter, I related to it in many ways. I asked people about the team before even considering it in order to receive primary or firsthand information that would not be as biased as it is on their official websites. Most people said good things about the team, the service they provide and all the good deals they offer. So according to the three concepts of credibility, goodwill was definitely achieved in my case.