1) Introduce yourself to the audience and introduce your main topic
 Introduce your name, age, origin and an interesting fact about you or a situation that you once encountered in your life. In this way, the audience will feel that they know you and will be interested to hear you.
 Start off with a brief summary about your topic and end with phrases that will bring a sense of excitement to the audience, making them want to hear you and listen to what you have to say.
2) Make the topic seem interesting and unique because if the presentation appeared to be interesting at first, the audience will be all ears and eager to listen to your presentation.
3) Dig deep into the topic and show the audience that you know the topic by heart. Show them how credible you are by mentioning all resources used and you can also use phrases said by known credible people. Engage the audience especially if your presentation is too long.
4) Recap or conclude by mentioning the moral of the presentation because the audience usually tend to remember the beginning of the presentation and its ending the most.