3 Asia Bridge Junior Fellows Together at Research Presentations

Reflections from the Asia Bridge Junior Fellows, 2021-2022

3 Asia Bridge Junior Fellows Together at Research PresentationsThe Center for Asia Pacific Studies is proud of its 2021-22 Asia Bridge Junior Fellows! On May 5th, these young scholars presented their year-long research projects to an audience of USF faculty and staff, as well as family and friends. Having explored topics ranging from the impact of Covid-19 on education in India, the attitudes of Gen Z women in China towards marriage and children, and trauma-informed advocacies supporting Asian youth in the San Francisco Bay Area, this year’s cohort took a moment to reflect on their fellowship experience.

View highlights from the 2022 Asia Bridge Junior Fellows Presentations on the center’s YouTube channel

Celeste Baird, 2nd year International Studies major, Chinese Studies minor

“The part of the fellowship which I most enjoyed was our Tai Chi event, because it was great to get outside on campus and do something fun and active with friends and other students. I have also definitely benefited from the experience of doing a research project, especially with the guidance and expertise of faculty mentors and the other fellows. There are so many different techniques and ways to go about doing research, and the process is much less linear than I had originally thought.”

Celeste Baird at podiumCeleste’s project: “Pressure to Produce: Traditional Gender Norms, Modernization, and the Reproductive Decisions of Gen Z Women in China”





View highlights from the 2022 Asia Bridge Junior Fellows “Time for Tai Chi” event below:

Eshita Kalidindi, 2nd year Psychology major, Entrepreneurship & Innovation minor

“Working directly with professors and researching in-depth about a topic that really interested me was a great experience. Interacting with my mentors was the most exciting aspect of the fellowship–I gained so many valuable insights from their perspective on my research! Additionally, the Center for Asia Pacific Studies had such a positive environment and great resources and everyone there was extremely helpful. I truly enjoyed being a part of the Asia Bridge Fellowship program and would like to thank the center for this wonderful opportunity!”

Eshita’s research project: “Education, Technology and Mental Health: The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Educational Inequalities in India”






Sally Yang, 4th year Psychology major

“It has been an honor and privilege to be part of the Asia Bridge Junior Fellowship 2021-22 cohort. I really enjoyed the center’s diverse seminars as well as the opportunity to connect with mentors in the field, which gave me the chance to gain knowledge and hands-on experience through learning outside of my own bubble. I cannot thank my mentors enough for sharing their wisdom and for encouraging not just me but all the cohort members from the beginning till the end of the process.”

Sally’s research project: “Human Trafficked Asian Youth: Investigating Trauma-Informed Advocacies in the San Francisco Bay Area”






Congratulations to the 2021-22 Asia Bridge Junior Fellows!

The Center for Asia Pacific Studies congratulates this year’s cohort of enthusiastic and hardworking young scholars on their exceptional work. They followed their research passions for the Asia Pacific and honed the skills they will need to succeed in today’s increasingly globalized world.

If you are interested in following in their footsteps and applying to be an Asia Bridge Junior Fellow, keep up with the center’s announcements via our email newsletter. And if you would like to support these and other curious and driven students who care about the Asia Pacific, please donate here.