3 Questions with Alumni Elizabeth Brown

Portrait of Alumni Elizabeth Brown2011 alum Elizabeth Brown graduated with a degree in Design and a minor in Art History. She reflects on her time in the design program and how it helped her gain valuable experience and connections that led to her career

What was the most valuable component of the design department?

Accessibility. The professors and the lab is your resource! Spending late nights in the lab were some of my favorite and most productive times. There are also lots of opportunities to work on design and media for USF. Getting involved in clubs and on-campus jobs made me a better designer.

What inspires you about your current position?

I love the projects I get to work on, and the people I’m surrounded by. My co-workers are thoughtful, intelligent, and creative! I feel supported and inspired by this team every day. I work mostly in branding for hospitality companies, which is what I’m most excited by. Many of our clients passionate about their projects/companies, and are full of good ideas. It’s easy to be inspired working on projects like I do.

Neighbor Bakehouse merchandise featuring Brown's branding

Brown’s branding project for a San Francisco bakery, Neighbor Bakehouse.

What advice do you have for current USF students?

Go out into the world! Soak up everything San Francisco has to offer—museums, galleries, shows, etc. It’s one of the most exciting and inspiring cities in the world. You don’t always need to build a mood board from Pinterest for inspiration…the world around you has a lot to offer. Get an internship—this was one of the most valuable things I did for my career. I learned a ton of things that you can’t learn in a classroom and ended up getting my first job through it. Work hard but make sure you sleep 🙂


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