11/30 In-Class Writing

I want to argue about the severity of the coronavirus and how citizens of the united states are not taking it seriously. Over the Thanksgiving holiday, the CDC and government highly suggested not to travel and not to gather in large groups. A lot of people disobeyed those suggestions and did those things anyway. I, myself, have made sacrifices to not go home and see my family in hopes that others would do the same to stop the anticipated surge over the holiday season.

Give statistics about the rise in cases and infection rate over Thanksgiving weekend. Give statistics about why the CDC and government made suggestions.

Give alternatives to meeting with the family (zoom, facetime, etc.)

say why it’s important

introduce a nationwide isolation shutdown. Government paying people to stay home etc.

My volume while speaking will be loud but not overwhelmingly loud. I will be confident and enthusiastic when giving my speech to hopefully give off the tone of importance. I will continue to give eye-contact throughout my speech. I will also use gestures that flow naturally with what I’m saying.


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