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Rory Brown ’05 went from managing the Foghorn to managing the Bleacher Report

Picture of Rory Brown Sitting and SmilingThis USF Foghorn article tells the story of Media Studies major, Rory Brown ’05 who went from being the sports editor of the Foghorn and eventually editor-in-chief to eventually being promoted to President of the Bleacher Report, an online sports publication with a strong social media presence.  Read on to find out more about what Rory appreciated about USF and his professors and  what career advice he has for students pursuing careers in journalism.  Rory took classes towards the minor in Journalism and praised Professor Teresa Moore in the article, who is chair of the minor currently.

USF Foghorn Article – “Foghorn Alumni Promoted to President of the Bleacher Report.”

Shaya Kara, Used Philosophy Background to Be a Change Agent

Shaya Kara Profile ShotRead how former ASUSF President Shaya Kara continues to use her study of Philosophy (along with Psychology not mentioned) to be a change agent in the world.  Shaya said about choosing Philosophy, “I was astounded by how these two parts of my life [ASUSF and Philosophy] consistently compared to one another…there were several times that I used my philosophy background to assess and conceptualize how a university policy or system wasn’t doing what the students needed from it.”


Amie Lu ’20, Switched from Biology to Advertising Major

Profile Photo of Amie Lu with Graduation StoleCurrent Student, Alumni, Faculty, or Staff?: Alumni

Name: Amie Lu

Title: Brand Ambassador

Company / Department: Oliver Space

Major(s), Minor(s), Program(s): Majored in Advertising and was part of the McGrath Scholars

Previous Major(s), Minor(s), Program(s): Biology

What attracted you to your initial major(s) and minor(s)?: I started off with Biology because I was inspired by those in my family and sought to become a pediatrician.

What inspired you to change program(s)?: During my time in community college, I realized that STEM classes didn’t interest me as much as I thought. I also learned that those classes brought on more stress and made me realize I wasn’t as happy, so I looked into the Advertising program upon transferring to USF.

What did you like best about your major(s) and minor(s)?: For Advertising, I enjoyed having professors from the industry teaching us and sharing their experiences as well as working with different peers to learn more about ourselves.

What was most challenging about your major(s) and minor(s)?: Being disciplined and not being closed minded. In the world of Advertising, things can change quickly, just like life.

How did your major(s) and minor(s) prepare you for your career?: The Advertising department did a very good job with creating hands on assignments that would be similar to situations to that of in the actual industry. This allowed me to gain a better understanding of what role I would best fit.

What resources helped you with your exploration journey?: CASA, Student Leadership & Engagement (SLE), Career Services, and CAB. All three helped me better understand what I actually enjoy and what I don’t.

What advice do you have for students exploring majors?: Your first major is not your last. Do what makes you happy.