Gleeson Library recently purchased some new nursing eBooks, available on the Ovid platform. These are unlimited access, so read away!
Take a look:
- Anatomy & physiology made incredibly easy! (4th edition)
- Assessment made incredibly easy! (5th edition)
- Code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements
- Differential Diagnosis and Treatment in Primary Care (6th edition)
- Dosage calculations made incredibly easy! (5th edition)
- ECG interpretation made incredibly easy! pocket guide (3rd edition)
- Emergency Nursing Made Incredibly Easy! (2nd edition)
- Fundamentals of nursing made incredibly easy! (2nd edition)
- Guide to the code of ethics for nurses with interpretive statements: development, interpretation, and application (2nd edition)
- Health assessment made incredibly visual! (3rd edition)
- Holistic nursing : scope and standards of practice (2nd edition)
- Home health nursing : scope and standards of practice (2nd edition)
- Lippincott nursing procedures (7th edition)
- Nurse’s legal handbook (6th edition)
- Nursing : scope and standards of practice (3rd edition)
- Nursing care planning made incredibly easy (2nd edition)
- Nursing diagnosis : application to clinical practice (15th edition)
- Pharmacology made incredibly easy! (4th edition)
- Nursing procedures made incredibly easy! (2nd edition)
- Pain management nursing : scope and standards of practice (2nd edition)
- Pathophysiology made incredibly easy! (5th edition)
- Pediatric nursing made incredibly easy! (2nd edition)
- Plastic surgery nursing : scope and standards of practice (2nd edition)
- Psychiatric nursing made incredibly easy! (2nd edition)
- Public health nursing : scope and standards of practice (2nd edition)
- Transplant nursing : scope and standards of practice (2nd edition)
From any of these eBooks, click Books or Journals in the top menu to see a list of all Ovid titles we have.

More resources
See more recent nursing titles by searching the library catalog with the keyword “nursing” and then sorting by date.
Check out our Nursing Research Guides for selections of recommended nursing resources. (Click By Subject > Nursing to see them all.)
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