write-out for presentation one

Hi my name is jordan and for  my presentation I watched a video done by bike radar on how to teach a child to ride a bike. Bike radar is a youtube channel all about biking and for all ages. This helps me believe that the information in the video is pretty credible and accurate. She also had a child Doing the steps as she was talking and the advice she was saying really seemed to work for the child. She also seemed very intelligent and had a lot of tips that are new since I was learning to ride a bike which means that she keeps up with today’s research and is knowledgeable of a child’s development. For example she says that the best way did children to learn is to get a bike without pedals first and have hem push using their feet. However when I was growing up we used training wheels. The reason training wheels are now not the best option for children is because it is easier to teach a child to pedal after they have learned to balance. This also helps prevent children from falling as much there first couple times. I remember when I was learning my first time on a bike without training wheels I lost balance so I fell right into the fire hydrant on my street. I also liked that she talked about the age at which children should learn. She said no earlier then three and average is around four. Having taken multiple child development classes I know that that is the appropriate age at which they should be able to handle those developmental tasks. I was really impressed with how she connected with her audience and at first I didn’t really think she was because it was more of a how to video but then I realized that to appeal to the parents who are most likely her general audience She wanted to seem like someone you would trust by being very calm and personable but confident at the same time. And it worked. The delivery of her speech was very clear. She got her message across while having a good tone, cleaR voice, and good eye contact. This video definitely felt like it was an idea worth sharing i did not feel like it was to promote this lady or bikeradar it felt like it was purely to help families teach their children how to ride there first bike. Overall I would definitely say that this video was credible and that if you need tips on how to teach a child to ride a bike you should check it out.

Arrangement outline for presentation 1

I will be talking about the credibility of a bike radar video on how to teach a child to ride a Bike. I feel as if the video was credible.

My audience is my fellow classmates

My goal is to show my evaluation of bike radars video and prove they are a credible source


video interested me because i want to be a teacher so i was interested in how you can teach children to ride bikes.

They are credible because of experience, evidence, and examples.

They have experince

They have a youtube channel with a lot of subscribers and have videos of all different types of biking and for all levels and ages.

They have evidence

They state a child should learn balance before pedaling and that it’s easier to learn balance and add pedaling later

They also say the appropriate age to teach your child to ride a bike is around 3 and having taken child development coursework of the past two years i know this is the appropriate developmental stage for this task.

They have examples

The whole video bikeradar is helping a child learning to ride a bike and shows the child succeeding.


Overall i feel that the video was very credible because they have had experience,evidence,and  examples. If you need to learn to ride a bike or learn how to teach a child you should check it out!

Discussion of sources for project one

In my first project i didn’t use as many sources as i should have. My main source was the video i presented on web which was called “teach your kid to ride a bike” done by  bike radar. I used this video because i felt that because it was from a popular biking youtube channel and because it hsd so many subscribers that it was a good source. That was really the only source i used which looking back on i wish i had incorporated more. For the future i will wanted to try to use more sources that we have discussed or read in class so i can relate i and the class will have a better idea of what i’m talking about.

Discussion on video rehersal for project 1

For my first video rehersal  I felt a little weird having to record myself giving the speech. I decided that i would record myself off my laptop but at the same time on my laptop i would have my write out of my presentation pulled up so i could see incase i got lost in what i was saying. After doing this i noticed that i was pretty much just reading off my computer so for the next video i decided to highlight key points and specific details. This worked out of me really well and i did this for the last video as well. The next thing i noticed was that my speech was too short and I was talking really fast so i tried to slow it down for the third video. For the last one i also tried to not rely on the notes as much because i knew that i wanted to give the speech without reading from my paper. Overall i think it really helped me in memorizing my speech so that i was ready when i presented.

Individual conference post

I met with professor hunt on August 31st to talk about my first presentation. During our conference we discussed what topic I should do for my presentation. We decided on  how to teach a child to learn how to ride a bike. We chose this topic because we felt it was a good way to combine my passion for teaching to our biking class. I was a little skeptical about it but he said it would be interesting because he thinks it has probably changed since I was learning to ride a bike. Once I decided on the topic I was really interested to see that he was right and how much it has changed since I personally learned how to ride a bike and I was excited to research more about it.