Law Review Submissions

USF Law Review Submissions

Author Submissions

Authors should submit articles for submission by direct email. Submissions should be formatted in MS Word, or other standard word processing software, and mailed to

Student Submissions

The USF Law Review is proud to publish articles from law students at USF and other institutions. Students whose articles are selected for publication will be responsible for collecting their own sources and making these sources available to the Law Review staff as directed.

Law students who wish to submit their article should email their article to, including:

  • A brief cover letter explaining why the piece is timely and important, as well as a short description of the last preemption check done.
  • USF law students must include a USF Student ID number appearing in the top right corner (header of each page) for both the submission itself and the cover letter. Please do not place your name anywhere on the piece itself.
  • The following contact information: name, USF Student ID (if applicable), email, and phone number. Submitted articles must be of publishable quality. Not only does this mean that it is a well written, thesis-driven article, but also that the footnotes conform with The Bluebook.