Finding My Role in Public Service

Benjamin Getchell ’25 is a Politics major with an Environmental Science and a Public Service and Community Engagement minor. Reflecting on his time during his McCarthy Fellows in Sacramento internship this past summer, Benjamin was able to work with his fellow colleagues and find his role in public service.  Everyone has a role to play…

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See You in City Hall, McCarthy Fellows!

We are pleased to introduce 18 students who will participate in our McCarthy Fellows in San Francisco program in the Fall semester.  Meet each fellow and learn where they will intern in City Hall or in nearby city offices and departments.  In preparation, over this past summer, they participated in monthly training workshops in public…

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Reaching Voters through Community: My Work with SF Elections and USFVotes

Read along  on a journey of civic empowerment with Hannah Nelson as she intertwines her experiences with USFVotes and the San Francisco Department of Elections. In her blog post, Hannah shares the transformative power of community engagement, breaking down stereotypes of formal government work, and highlighting her role in making elections more accessible. Join her…

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Empowering Futures: My Journey in Politics with the McCarthy Center

   Emily LipKind, a passionate individual whose journey in politics and education has been shaped by her experiences at the Leo T. McCarthy Center. Join us as she shares her story, detailing how her college years led to a profound understanding of her path in the world of politics and policy-making. Read on to discover…

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Releasing our 2017 Annual Report

Each year the Center strives to honor the legacy of Leo T. McCarthy through programs and scholarship that promote public service and the common good. This includes undergraduate community-engagement learning, faculty and university-wide development, graduate engagement, and community partnerships at both the local and global level. We are excited to share our 2017 annual report…

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Roddrick Lee, MA Public Affairs '14, BART Government Affairs Manager

Calling All McCarthy Center Alumni!

We’re excited to announce the formation of the McCarthy Center’s Alumni Committee — to rally our alumni around the Center’s new students, events and the upcoming 15th Anniversary! A small group of dedicated undergraduate and graduate alumni have come together to organize our support of current and future students, and the USF community as a…

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My Path to the 2017 Leo T. McCarthy Public Service Award

Nicole Vasquez, Kinesiology ’17 2017 Leo T. McCarthy Public Service Award Winner The Leo T. McCarthy Center for Public Service and the Common Good has been a formative part of my college experience here at USF! I am very grateful that I learned of the center my sophomore year of college. Since then, I have had…

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Five Lessons from Community-Engaged Living and Learning

Lupita Garcia B.A. Sociology Major ’18 and triple minor in Criminal Justice, Public Service and Community Engagement, and Chican@-Latin@ Studies When I started my USF career, I would not have imagined myself accomplishing everything that I have. Participating in the Esther Madriz Diversity Scholars Living Learning Community and then the USF in DC program gave…

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