
As part of the Crawford Lecture 2023






Thanks to Claire Sharifi, Reference Librarian, Liaison to the School of Nursing and Health Professions & Department of Kinesiology, and Kelsey Green, DNP student, who developed this amazing “Inclusivity” display for all of us to learn about this relevant topic.

Within the display, you’ll have the opportunity to reflect and contribute with your thoughts about:

        1. Identifying a physical, sensory, cognitive, or communication access barrier at school, the workplace, the last meeting, or an event you participated in.
        2. How can you promote accessibility in all of your areas of influence?

Check out this brief video clip of the display: IMG_3921

Let’s engage in this conversation at the library and through this blog.




  1. Kelsey did 99% of both the conceptual work, and the work of putting up the actual display. I couldn’t have asked for a more thoughtful, smart, and creative partner for this work!

  2. Love the idea of using a library display space to promote this year’s Crawford Lecture. Well done!

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