Rendell, “An Ocean of Air”: Reflection

One thing that stuck out to me while reading Rendell’s “An Ocean of Air”, is the attention he gives in even the smallest details of bicycle racing. In correlation with my possible S3 topic, it is interesting to see bicycling broken down to a science, in which Rendell explains well by describing how the energy is transferred through the body, how important aerodynamics is, and the art behind the team time trials. He uses the Tour de France as a real life example of the complex science he describes, and pays close notice to every aspect. he mentions the average 40 km/hr speed, the ninety-eight watts of power, and even the tactics behind team trial racing.

Approaching s3, I was thinking about voicing how bicycling works on three different levels. After reading Rendell, I have a good perspective of how a professional bicyclist, as well as someone so passionate about the art of the sport, would sound like. In my research, I will try to model my 3rd part of the speech to sound like his descriptions of biking.

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