Month: April 2020

Field Journal Entry #7

Date: 03/24/20



797 Navarro Dr, Corona US-CA 33.89454, -117.53964


Site description:

I took a walk in my neighborhood- it’s very suburban so there are just houses next to each other. There is also a park next to my house that I was able to walk through temporarily. There were a few trees scattered here and there but it was mostly just grass at the park. It was very open terrain so less likely for abundant bird sightings. The key bird species here would probably be crows and ravens, as they are always seen on a consistent basis.

Common Raven - Brian Sullivan


Species account:

The bird that I chose to focus on this week was the Common Yellowthroat. Common Yellowthroats are small, stubby warblers with very prominently yellow throats, as indicated by their name. Their backs are olive colored, they have short, rounded wings, and they make “witchity-witchity” sounds. They are generally found on edges of forests, in wet shrub-filled areas. As it so happens, I happened to see them at the park at the edge of where the trees ended. I only happened to spot one, but I feel there could have been more.

Common Yellowthroat - David Turgeon



So this was the first trip since the quarantine started, and it was more difficult to go outside, obviously. The weather was actually quite sunny that day so the weather for birding was quite nice. I basically took a stroll in my neighborhood as I was very restricted on where I was able to go. There were just houses all around me other than the park I live next to. The stroll was mostly uneventful as I did not get to see any rare sightings. I left in the afternoon at 3:56pm and stayed out for about an hour or so.


E-bird link:




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