September 7: Freewriting on Audio Essay

  1. old age home visit (20 elderly, Ahmedabad, found contact on google)
  2. started initially as my CAS project for IB and later on got personal engagement and attachment because of the interactions and understanding of their needs
  3. by hosting religious events, crowdfunding a TV, meditation/exercising and understanding the perspective from an elder viewpoint on global issues.
  4. identifying personal development in my skills through the knowledge gained and applying it in real life
  5. continuing visits after the project ended during my free time to company them
  6. facing challenges during the project, and felt like I was failing to achieve my goals that would help them (crowdfunding)
  7. overcoming challenges, needed some time to reflect on my approaches and find alternate solutions
  8. sharing this project on my social media/ publishing on the IBO website blog


Outline for 1st essay:

  • Navratri video/photos
  • Covid-19 presentation video
  • meditation video
  • video of them watching TV after crowdfunding


Run-on Sentence Activity- Tori Sallade

1) The chickens on campus play a famous role for our school, they make us unique.

Type: (CS) The chickens on campus play a famous role for our school. They make us unique.

2) What if the chickens laid eggs and hid them somewhere they would get left behind.

Type:  (R) What if the chickens laid eggs and hid them somewhere? They would get left behind.

3) The chickens bring laughter to our students, without them we’d be an ordinary school.

Type: (CS) The chickens bring laughter to our students, and without them we’d be an ordinary school.

4) I remember, after my first class I was leading out to the bookstore unfortunately, I stepped on the chickens’ dump.

Type: (R) I remember after my first class I was leading out to the bookstore. Unfortunately, I stepped on the chickens’ dump.

5) Right now, there are many chickens living freely on campus but many professors don’t want chickens.

Type: (R) Right now, there are many chickens living freely on campus, but many professors don’t want chickens.

6) Chickens should not be allowed to live freely on the campus because they cause stinky odors make noise and no one wants to clean after.

Type: (R) Chickens should not be allowed to live freely on the campus because they cause stinky odors, make noise, and no one wants to clean after.

7) Anytime students want to lie down on the lawn they need a place that looks clean and has fresh air therefore they can not take a nap or study.

Type: (R) Anytime students want to lie down on the lawn, they need a place that looks clean and has fresh air; therefore, they can not take a nap or study.

8)  But I strongly disagree with that opinion, chickens should not be allowed on campus at all.

Type: (CS) But I strongly disagree with that opinion. Chickens should not be allowed on campus at all.

9) During the time students are in the lab if the chickens make a lot of noise the students won’t focus on doing their job.

Type: (R) During the time students are in the lab, if the chickens make a lot of noise, the students won’t focus on doing their job.

10) In conclusion, if the chickens live freely on campus because students let them live free then these students should clean the chickens’ mess.

Type: (R) In conclusion, if the chickens live freely on campus because students let them live free, then these students should clean the chickens’ mess.


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