August 30: In class activites

After reading Gabriella’s reading response, I was intrigued to learn about forensic arguments, which are arguments based on the past.  She used a key example of Christopher Columbus to ask whether or not he indeed discovered America. Personally, I wrote about how I preferred stasis arguments which are also found in court cases. However, it’s a way for someone to ask a sequence of questions to form a better argument.

Her take on Elizabeth Heath’s article was similar to what I had written. She wrote down how she thought it was surprising how watching a funny animal video could boost someone’s mood.

Meaning of Name

My name is Aarane Srikumar. It was given to me because, in the Hindu religion, there is a goddess named Devi. Devi goes by multiple names, and one of them is Aarane. Another reason why I was named after a goddess was due to how I was the only girl in the family on my mom’s side. After I was born, everyone told my mom to name me something special due to her luck of having one boy and one girl. My last name is actually my father’s first name. In Sri Lankan culture, many spouses take the husband’s name as their last name to create a new family line under their name. My dad’s name Srikumar was given to him because almost all of his brother’s siblings had S names. However, no one to this day calls my dad his full name but rather Sri or Sammy. After the first couple of years of my life, I was comfortable with my name even though barely any teacher could properly pronounce my name. At the age of 7, I changed the pronunciation of my name from what my parents called me and made my name more American by going by Arnie. To this day, my parents hate that everyone in my life calls me Arnie but honestly, I’m 100% okay with it. It’s made my life a lot easier to cut my pronunciation short and go by something people don’t have an issue with saying. However, due to the rise of social media, my name, especially its spelling, has gotten me many nicknames from friends. For example, in 2017, a youtube channel called Key and Peel made a comedy video about a substitute teacher mispronouncing names. One of the names was Aaron, and the teacher called him A A Ron. However, I thought it was hilarious and allowed my friends to call me that as a nickname when I played lacrosse and volleyball. Growing up, my first language was English, but my parents only spoke to me in Tamil. My brother, on the other hand, was fluent in both and would always talk with my parents in Tamil, while I would talk to my parents in Engli

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