module 3 reading response

Bike Snob by Weiss-Velo Taxonomy  I found to be hilarious. He depicts the different categories and subcategories amongst the biking world. Provides a thorough, almost comedic, description of each bicyclist. He then further explains their traits/characteristics so you can spot them on the road, reasons why other cyclists hate them, and then who each cyclists is compatible with. While reading, you get a clear image as to who each cyclists on the road is and how easy it is to spot them after reading Bike Snob.


What I really loved about bike snob was the Urban cyclists description. I don’t ride bicycles, I’m more into skateboarding. The closest I get to bikes is when I film my friends doing bmx. After reading about the urban cyclists, I couldn’t help but laugh because I know exactly who Weiss is describing. I’m from San Jose, its a pretty big city but not a lot of people bike because everything is so spread out. Those who do bike downtown though, tend to be urban cyclists; especially if they’re biking near SJSU! I just found it funny that I was able to visualize and identify people I’ve seen all my life, and now I can’t look at them the same way.


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