Meaning of name

My full name is Bryanna Christine Cortes, the meaning of my name Bryanna means “hill” “High” and “noble”. It comes from the Celtic name Brian which is my dads name, my mom also wanted to spelt it different with a Y rather than the typical e and I. My mom also wanted the names in our family to rhyme for some reason so she chose Bryanna because her name was jana and my brothers was Ryan to go with my dads name Brian. My middle name Christine is named after my moms childhood best friend and neighbor who she grew up with. Lastly I don’t know much about my last name but my last name is cortes and it is from Spain and Portugal and it is a nick name for someone who is a refined, courteous and polite.


Bryanna Cortes

Located in Rancho Palos Verdes California, interest and hobbies include going to the beach,hanging out with friends and traveling. IN RPV there’s is always people riding their horses and walking their farm animals on the side of the rode, there is really bad service on the hill and peacocks are always running around screaming really early in the morning. The peacocks also cause alot of damages to peoples houses and they have to be relocated when there’s too many.

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