Latest News From The Blog - Page 3
Academic Freedom in Dangerous Times: A Panel Discussion
This event, co-sponsored by the Tracy Seeley Center for Teaching Excellence and the Center for Research, Artistic and Scholarly Excellence, was moderated by Michael Rozendal (Rhetoric and Language) and...
Faculty Spotlight: Rachel Brahinsky
Rachel Brahinksy began her career as a Bay Area reporter. During our conversation, we talked about her research, historical geography, and how San Francisco has changed over the years....
CRASE Pecha Kucha
During this event, faculty presenters talked about their scholarly work in a highly visual and fast-paced Pecha Kucha style. Over fifty people attended the event on Thursday, September 6,...
Japantown Writing Retreat
CRASE offered a writing retreat for full-time faculty to get a head start on their summer writing at the Hotel Kabuki in San Francisco Japantown....
R Boot Camp: R Basics and Advanced
The R Basics Boot Camp discussed topics including getting to know your data; cleaning your data; statistical tests such as correlation, chi square tests, T-tests, ANOVA, and regression; and...
Faculty Spotlight: Julie Nice
Before going to law school, Julie Nice worked as a domestic violence advocate. During our conversation, we discussed the importance of telling the stories behind cases, the interdisciplinary nature...
The Write Stuff: Four Perspectives on the Writing Process
This workshop provided support to participants in honing their own writing process. ...
2018 Spring Break Online Writing Challenge
This community-oriented event connected USF faculty to meet writing goals by writing for 20–30 minutes a day from March 12 to 16. ...