Janay Osborne, Peer Tutoring Graduate Intern


Janay Osborne is originally from Riverside, California but completed her Bachelor of Arts in Sociology from University of California, Berkeley. During her undergraduate career she discovered a passion for student leadership, academic retention, and advocacy while working in the Multicultural Center and Diversity, Equity, and Campus Climate office. She considers herself a Leader by doing, listening, and learning. Janay’s favorite self-care activities include hiking, meal prepping, offering advice to friends, and creating diy boards on pinterest. When asked to write a blog post about education, her response was:

“Don’t measure your success with another person’s ruler”. These were the words my undergraduate college advisor shared with me my freshman year and have stuck with me 5 years later. Learning and success are normally discussed in mutually exclusive ways because the outcome or solution is emphasized instead. I strongly believe the process of learning is just as significant, if not more, than the result. Learning is a special process because each individual has a unique experience. At the same time, learning is not solely an individual act and allows opportunities for collaboration to exist. It’s important to rely on peers and mentors as resources to ensure your learning experience is meaningful while also not undermining your effort because someone else is “succeeding more”. When you are feeling overwhelmed or inadequate, ask yourself: Am I measuring my success with another person’s ruler?

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