9/30 group writing

Hang yang, Meijing Zhao

1.Drunk drivers are involved in more than 50 percent of traffic deaths.

Constructed arguments: cannot know if the statistics is reliable or not

This is not a full part of a paragraph.

2.DNA tests of skin found under the victim’s fingernails suggest that the defendant was responsible for the assault.

Constructed arguments: “the defendant was responsible for the assault” is an idea that the author is going to prove.

3.A psychologist testified that teenage violence could not be blamed on video games.

Constructed arguments:”teenage violence could not be blamed on video games.” is an idea that the author is going to prove.

4.The crowds at President Trump’s inauguration were the largest on record.

Constructed arguments:no proof shows that it is the largest on record.

5.“The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.”

Constructed arguments: this is not a fact or data, it is common sense.

6.Air bags ought to be removed from vehicles because they can kill young children and small-framed adults.

Constructed arguments:”airbags can kill people” is the reason why the author wants to remove them. 

Don’t know how many young children or small-framed adults died of this.


9/30 essay 2 free writing

A few days ago, I watched a speech given by a Korean professor in 2014. He talked about Chinese young people have big dreams, but Korean young people don’t. Generally, he appealed that Korean young people should also have big dreams. He compared Chinese and Korean in several aspects to show his idea. His idea is good; However, when he was comparing the two, I could find some unfair evidence. The professor went to China for doing research for this. Then he went to a café for those who start a business. People in the café must have big dreams because they were trying to start a business. This is not reasonable to compare those minority with their majority. If the professor also went to Koreans business starting café, there would also be many people who have big dreams. So this comparison is not parallel. And his speech only focused on this one evidence, so I think it lack of persuasiveness.



-a speech was given by a Korean professor to appeal that Korean young people should have big dreams.

-comparing Korean young people with Chinese young people

-it is good to do a survey for that by himself (even went to China)

-given evidence is not reasonable

  1. went to a café for those who start a business (they definitely have big dreams).
  2. the minority doesn’t represent the majority

-only focus on one find

-should do more research to convince audience of his claim


Sept.28 In class writing

Ruki Zhao, Meijing Zhao


1. Pets are not allowed in Mr.Taylor’s building, but he owns several cats and a parrot.

2. New legislation prevents drivers from sending or reading text messages while driving, but many people continue to use their phones illegally.

3. The coroner concluded that the young man had taken a lethal concoction of drugs, so by the time his relatives found him, nothing could be done.

4. Amphibians are vertebrates that live on land and in the water, and flatworms are invertebrates that live only in water.

5. Ashley carefully fed and watered her tomato plants all summer, so the tomatoes grew juicy and ripe.

6. When he lost his car key, Simon attempted to open the door with a wire hanger, a credit card, and a paper clip, yet he called the manufacturer for advice.


  1. Jake is going to Mexico where there are beautiful beaches.
  2.  A snowstorm disrupted traffic all over the east coast so that there will be long delivery delays this week
  3. I banged on his door and asked him to keep the noise down because my neighbor had his television volume turned up too high. 
  4. Jessica prepared the potato salad and the sautéed vegetables while Ashley marinated the chicken.
  5. After Romeo poisons himself, Juliet awakes to find Romeo dead and stabs herself with a dagger.

9/23 in class writing

This article argues that the representations of teachers and student’s identities. And for this part, it mainly focuses on identity and how their identities are recognized. And towards this problem, the author said, “Above all, and directly contrary to the form in which they are constantly invoked, identities are constructed through, not outside, difference.” (Bright, 2020, 38). This shows that identity differences between teachers and students are because of the different positions, which means the identity is not forced by outside to form in this way, but it is shaped because of the differences between two of them.



Bright, David. (2020). Recognising students and teachers: difference and identity in international classrooms

9/2 In Class Writing

I read Jesper’s response. And I found that his response and my response are quite different. I wrote more about the main idea of the book and he wrote more about his own way to argue about some issues or cultural contexts based on his own experience. However, there is also a point that I can find that a little similar with a point of my response. For example, he said he always filterouts all the incredible resources which means he always uses reliable, trustworthy resouces wrote by scholars and masters which is similar with my point of view.