Freedom of Speech

The Freedom of Speech video was honestly, extremely confusing and fuzzy the first time around and then I started wondering if the video was a form of freedom of speech or if I was just overthinking it. I also found the part where the guy was talking about freedom of speech and producing action part super confusing and I don’t get it at all (@2:47 seconds)…

Anyways… I think freedom of speech is an interesting and confusing subject. So far what I understand about freedom of speech is that basically we can say anything and are protected from government to do so and they can’t deny our speech, but we aren’t protected from other citizens. Also whatever we say or do that criticizes the government, for example as mentioned in the video a picture of Obama with a hitler stache is exercising our first amendment, but it doesn’t mean that its respectful. I also understand that you cant say anything you want to whoever you want wherever you want and not suffer consequences which means that if you work somewhere, unless you work for the government and say whatever and do whatever and someone takes offense, like your boss, you could get fired and suffer consequences.

Because of this I kind of understand how freedom of speech works and I agree with it and its concept and I’m glad I understand it now.  I think the part of freedom of speech that makes it controversial is the part where other people/citizens are involved and have opposite viewpoint and opinions from you, especially if what youre saying could seem super uncalled for and outrageous and there are other people who could be fueled with anger against you and there could also be people fueled by what you’re saying and want to do something. (I honestly don’t know what I’m saying anymore I feel like my brain isn’t handling this information well. I’m going to end this post awkwardly).

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