In-Class Writing 9/23 APA Quote Sandwich

In the Article “Digital Dictionary of Buddhism”, Muller (2015) discuses putting the Buddhist dictionary onto the internet and renaming it. When it first came out they called it the Dictionary of East Asian Buddhist Terms (DEABT). Then Muller tells us they changed it due” to “Realizing, however, that a large portion of the content actually dealt with Indian and other cultural manifestations of Buddhism, and not wanting to discourage potential collaborators who work in these areas, we renamed it in 2001 to the present Digital Dictionary of Buddhism (DDB)”(p. 2).

Muller, C. (2015). Digital dictionary of Buddhism.


September 16 In class Writing

Aaliyah, Valyntina, Ruby

Passage 1:

A man from the city came to visit a small farm. He saw a farmer feeding pigs in a very strange way. The farmer would lift a pig up to a nearby apple tree, and the pig would eat the apples directly off the tree. The farmer would move the pig from one apple to another until the pig was full, then he would start again with another pig.

The man from the city was pretty puzzled. He watched for quiet a while, and finally said, “What a strange way to feed pigs! It’s a waste of time! You could save a whole lot of time if you just shook the apples off the tree and let the pigs eat them from the ground!” The farmer looked puzzled and replied, “What’s time to a pig?”


Passage 2:

A young man waiting in line at the bank, and developed a loud case of hiccups. It got worse and worse. By the time he got to the teller’s window he could hardly talk, handing the teller his check to cash.

The teller was tapping numbers into the computer, and in a moment looked up and frowned “I can’t cash your check,” she said.

The man was shocked. “Why not?” he asked.

“The computer indicates you do not have sufficient funds to cover this amount,” she said. “In fact our records show that your account is overdrawn by more than $5000.00.”

“It can’t be!” cried the man. “You’ve got to be kidding!”

You’re right. I am,” she smiled. She started counting out his cash. “You will notice that your hiccups are gone, though!”

September 2: In-Class Writing

The post I chose to read was Kate Zamos and we both start off by explaining and going into details about what ethos is and how to make sure its credible. We both had similar responses and talked about how the author has to create credible work for us to believe their work. The only difference I really see in our responses is I used a quote to explain my opinion with an example, when she chose to just use her own words to explain. Kate’s blog however talked more about the humor of arguments and how persuasive that was which I enjoyed.

August 31 Free Writing

I do not really have a lot to write about today so I thought I would just use this as a little journal. Recently I have been very busy with school and overwhelmed during the school week, so the weekends are considered my fun time. This weekend had a few friends over at my house and we celebrated our friends birthday that happened awhile ago and all just hung out. I was very fun and nice and relaxing. Then on Saturday we cleaned the house and I got a haircut. Then later on that night our best friend aka our fourth roommate Lex came over and we watched the Third Twilight movie because I had never seen the movies before. So far I am not in love with the movies but I am glad I am watching them at least once and getting to hang out with my roomies. Sunday was considered a lazier day, we just hung out around the house, did a little cleaning and mostly spent the day doing homework. Now we are back to Monday though, and I am ready to get over with this week of school already, because it is so exhausting.



For my audio essay I could write about how excited I am for the weekends.
Then I can go into talking about weekend plans and all.

I can talk about how I feel during the week vs weekend.

I can write about my quarantine weekend and then when my friends got tattoos.

I could also write about a summer weekend.

Next I can brainstorm things to make my week good like my weekends.

I have a lot of ideas but no clue yet what I want to write about. Or I could write about when I got my Corgi puppy.

For my essay I plan on writing about my move in with my roommates, the corona scare and the tattoos/ piercing weekend.

Meaning of Name

Ruby is the name of a jewel and was very popular in Victorian times. Ruby also means red which is a coincidence because after they chose the name I was born with red hair even though no one else in my family has red hair. Ruby also happens to be Latin and you see the name Ruby very commonly in Latin American females. My middle name is Dee after my grandma Devota, she had a twin and her nickname was Dee.

My last name Gilles is pronounced “G-ILL-e-ss rhymes with Willes” and is French, German and Irish. The “Gill” part of my last name in German is the verb meaning ‘to sacrifice, repay, or reward’. I personally have never been embarrassed by my name but I have been annoyed when people always mispronounce my last name.


Hello I am Ruby Gilles. I am from North of Seattle but three years ago I moved to Spokane Washington where I currently live with my two best friends. I have a corgi puppy and love to hang out with her and take her on long walks. I also love music some of my favorite artists right now are Rex Orange County, Wallows, Brock Hampton, Lil Mosey, Emaan, and Kendrick Lamar. I love to try new things and explore when I travel. I recently just went to Mexico with my best friends and it was a blast.

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