Oct 22 Class WRITING

Ori Chris Ruki


___N__ 1. Kyoko needs to write a report on American politics. She looks up Barack Obama in Wikipedia and discovers he is the 44th president of the United States. She includes this information in her report but doesn’t mention Wikipedia.

Kyoko used facts. So it is not.

___Y__2. Tam is writing a paper on a novel for his English class. Since the whole class is reading the same book, he doesn’t need to use a citation.

Because Tam didn’t cite, when he wrote a paper on someone else’s novel. Even though when everybody reads, he still needst to use the citation.

___N__3. Sugi wrote a paper for his European history class last semester and got an A on the paper. This semester, his Political Science class is addressing some of the same issues that are in his History paper. He checks with his professor first who agrees with Sugi, so he uses the material from his History paper.

He use his own paper, so it’s not padrarism. 

___Y__4. Ramiro, Stephan, April, and Chris are working on a group project. Chris submits his work and the others suspect that some of it came from the Internet, but it sounds good, so they submit it.

They are copying Chris’ work on the interenet without cute it.

___Y__5. Maria finds a lot of good information for her paper on the Internet. She carefully changes the wording and prepares a good paraphrase. She doesn’t copy anything verbatim.

Information is also belongs to someone else.


__Y___1. You clearly identify the source at the beginning of a paragraph that summarizes the author’s ideas about teenage drinking. Since readers will naturally assume all of the ideas in the paragraph are from the source, no additional citation is necessary.

Even though you identify the source, still have to cite the source when you use it.

__N___2. In your paper on the history of aviation you state the date of the Wright brothers’ first successful flight at Kitty Hawk.

This is the fact, date does irnecessary to be cited.

___N__3. In a paper on the civil rights movement you find some general, well-known background information in an encyclopedia. It is obviously common knowledge, so you copy the information and include it in your paper.

It is gennally well common knowledge.

___N__4. You ask your mother about the steps she went through in obtaining a bank load for a new car. You include this information in your paper.

Because you are just taking notes for yourslef.

___N__5. You skim a 325-page book entitled Using the Internet. A major theme throughout the book is that the Internet is an important technological achievement. You include this in your paper.

It is so general. A lot of people awaring this fact.

__Y___6. You find an article that takes the same position you have taken on the subject of gun control. To save time you summarize in your paper a portion of the argument from the article, since the author’s ideas are identical to your own.

You summarize some argument from other people still need citation.

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