November 16th- Individual Writing

I read Kate’s and Bryanna’s responses

Kate’s response highlighted how many people are scared of public speaking. She showed strategies mentioned in the chapter like preparing a script and practicing thoroughly. She offers these ideas because they can help calm nerves and improve public speaking skills. The second main point she makes is to know your audience. You need to know your audience because you are trying to convince them. She explains a specific strategy like explaining the benefits of your proposal to them. This strategy is helpful because it is always possible to implement in your argument. Overall she primarily summarized the chapter while I talked about both the chapter and Forbes article.

Bryanna’s response was similar in that she talked about knowing your audience and fulfilling the audience’s needs. She uses an AOC speech example to show how to satisfy the audience’s needs. The second part of her response talks about the Forbes article. She summarizes the article and gives a couple examples from the article. She mentions the ideas from the article like recreating your speech in the first ten words, changing your pace, and making a strong start and ending. I like how she mentions specifics that everyone can use in their own speech. Her format was very similar to mine in that we had one paragraph for the chapter and one for the article.


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