November 30th- In class writing

Tentative outline for my speech

Hook- A statement to get the audience interested/engaged in the topic. Probably an emotional appeal to get the audience involved.

Overview/Introduction- Preview what I am going to say. This is what they’ll remember (if anything), so make it memorable.

Introduce the problem-  Explain the problem and why it is relevant right now.

My solution- Lay out my solution and the parts of it. Talk about precedents or similar solutions to my solution. Show it is plausible.

Why my solution is the best option- Show alternatives and counterarguments. Explain why my solution is better.

Conclusion- Similar to intro. Recap the main points and make sure the audience remembers the main points.

Takeaway message- A call to action that makes the audience want to do my solution.


Example speech


Her speech about abolishing the death penalty is very good. On the delivery aspect, it was good but not perfect. Her eye contact was not the best, as she looked down at her note cards very often. To be fair, it was always brief. Besides this she managed to look at her audience and not stare out into space. She looked over the whole audience by looking throughout the entire crowd instead of straight ahead.

There was not a wide variety in tone, for she mostly kept the same tone. However, she would emphasize specific parts which effectively engaged the audience. It felt a little monotone at times, but overall she was confident and did not stutter.

Her rate of speech was very easy to follow, and she would repeat things to make sure the audience understood.

Her body language is very effective because she is always shifting her body and looking around. She is standing up tall which gives the message that she is confident and wants to be heard. It is not distracting from her talking.

Her volume was perfect, for anyone could hear her clearly. I cannot imagine someone struggling to hear her.

Overall, her delivery was good with minor flaws.


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