Fall 2015 – “Saved by Language” (film) Q&A with Susanna Zaraysky

Thursday, October 29, 2015  l  6:30 p.m.  l  USF Main Campus, Fromm Hall, Maraschi Room and Xavier Room

Can a language save your life? Yes it can, even an ancient one that emerged in the 15th century. Saved by Language tells the story of Moris Albahari, a Sephardic Jew from Sarajevo (born 1930), who spoke Ladino/Judeo-Spanish, his “mother tongue,” to survive the Jewish Genocide of WWII. Following our simultaneous showing of the film with English subtitles (Maraschi Room) and Ladino subtitles (Xavier Room), we will be joined by co-filmmaker/co-director Susanna Zaraysky for a special Q&A about the film.

This Swig Program in Jewish Studies and Social Justice event is co-sponsored by the Departments of Theology and Religious Studies, History, Modern and Classical Languages, Center for Latino Studies in the Americas (CELASA), and Program in Spanish Studies.


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