Date: 03/31/20



797 Navarro Dr, Corona US-CA 33.89454, -117.53964


Site description:

The terrain around my house is fairly plain, as it is located in a suburban neighborhood, meaning there are lots of houses but not too much shrubbery. Luckily, my house is next to a park that has some trees but is mostly open grassland terrain. There are a few coniferous trees scattered here and there along with some shrubbery in the park. The key bird species here again, are the American crows and common ravens.

American Crow - Henry Burton


Species Account:

The species I decided to look more closely at this week was the White-throated Swift. I came upon these at the edge of the park where there were some fences, which was a bit peculiar because they are generally found near rocky cliffs in deserts. I noticed a couple of them by their flight patterns and white throats. White-throated swifts also have narrower wings than swallows along with a white underside and long tails. I didn’t recognize its screeching sounds though, not until after I had identified it to confirm.

White-throated Swift - Matt Davis



Overall, it was actually quite a gloomy day as the weather called for very abundant clouds. It was cold outside and there was very little sun. I set out at about 3:11pm, so in the afternoon. Along my trek, I once again saw few people due to the quarantine. As it appears to get worse however, I see more people starting to come out to get some fresh air and exercise I suppose. My journey was the same as last week as my family worries about me venturing too far away from home to go birding when I should be inside. Again, no rare bird sightings but I am holding out for the possibility.


E-bird link: